The weekly Crime Report, disseminated by the Crime Prevention Unit, is a brief synopsis of Sheriff's Reports that have taken place the seven days prior. Crime Reports do not include all incidents that were reported for the specified time period. They are posted on the Stafford Sheriff's Website and emailed to the subscribing public.
If you would like to receive these weekly reports via email, please CLICK HERE to subscribe to our distribution list.* Subscribing to this keeps you "In the Know."
NOTE: In addition to the Crime Reports, you will also receive various informational emails to include News Releases and Crime Alerts CLICK HERE for a preview of these notifications.
*Your contact information is kept confidential and is only used by the Stafford Sheriff’s Office to relay information from our office. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the Crime Prevention Unit at 540-658-4030 or
The Stafford Sheriff's Office divided the county into four sections or zones. The Crime Report is published in order of these zones. For a map, CLICK HERE.
- A (Alpha)
- West side of Route 1 and south of Courthouse Road (Warrenton Road area)
- B (Bravo)
- East side of Route 1 and south of Eskimo Hill Road (White Oak area)
- C (Charlie)
- East side of Route 1 and north of Eskimo Hill Road (Widewater area)
- D (Delta)
- West side of Route 1 and north of Courthouse Road (Garrisonville Road area)