When Dining Casually - Don't Be Casual with Your Wallet
By Public Information Officer M.C. MORRIS MONCURE
September 1, 2016

Several times in the last thirty days local women dining at fast-casual eating establishments have had their wallets stolen. Pickpockets are reportedly reaching into an open purse, stealing the victim’s wallet and immediately attempting credit card purchases at nearby big box stores.

Even in a casual environment there are tips to remember to keep your valuables safe:

1- Keep your purse close to your body and tightly closed when not in use.
2- When seated in a restaurant, place your purse beside you, never on the back of a chair or under your seat.
3- If you sit in a booth – place your purse on the seat where it isn’t exposed to people walking by.
4- Don’t put your purse down and walk away, not even for a few seconds.

The public is reminded to ALWAYS keep cars locked and purses out of sight.