Deputy's Surgery Is Successful
By Public Information Officer M.C. MORRIS MONCURE
June 8, 2016

The Stafford Sheriff’s Office reports that the required surgery for the Sheriff’s Patrol Deputy injured by gunfire last evening is now complete. The surgery took place late this afternoon and lasted approximately four hours. A full recovery is expected according to a family representative.

The Sheriff’s Office is grateful for the support of manpower and resources provided during the incident by the Virginia State Police. Stafford Fire and Rescue did an outstanding job providing prompt medical care and quickly transporting the deputy to the hospital.

“Our office is thankful for the support and encouragement from our surrounding law enforcement partners, County Government, and community. We’re very blessed to be surrounded by a wonderful network of support. Our prayers, thoughts, and focus are on our deputy and his family during his recovery,” said Sheriff D.P. Decatur.