By PIO Bill Kennedy
April 2, 2015

The Stafford County Sheriff’s Office is reporting that April is National Distracted Driving Month. This year’s theme, provided by the National Highway Traffic Safety Association is “U Drive. U Text. U Pay.”

The Stafford County Sheriff’s Office will be actively patrolling, looking for motorists who are texting and driving. Texting While Driving is now a primary offense in Virginia with drivers facing a fine of $125.00 and court costs for the 1st offense and a fine of $250.00 and court costs for the second offense. Studies show that drivers are 23 times more likely to be in an accident if they are texting and driving and more than 3000 teens die each year in crashes caused by texting while driving.

“Texting while driving has proven to be a deadly combination,” states Major David Decatur. “The Stafford County Sheriff’s Office is committed to preventing motor vehicle accidents. Is that text really worth possibly causing an accident or worse?