Committed to Excellence
Stafford County Sheriff's Office

Public Safety Center
Ford T. Humphrey Building

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 189
Stafford, VA 22555

Physical Address:
1225 Courthouse Rd.
Stafford, VA 22554


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Richmond Highway Runner Rounded up by Ruby
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By PIO Ryan Wilbur
March 28, 2024

Playing hide and seek with Stafford County K-9’s has only one outcome. One 29-year-old Louisa man found this out after fleeing from a crash on Richmond Highway.

On March 27th at approximately 11:09 a.m. Sergeant R.W. Jones responded to the intersection of Richmond Highway and Upton Lane for an auto accident with injuries. It was discovered the victim was traveling Northbound on Richmond Highway when the suspect vehicle turned left in front of the victim, striking the vehicle. The scenario changed when Sergeant Jones was informed the man behind the wheel of the suspect vehicle was not the real driver. The real driver had fled on foot.

With this updated information, Sergeant Jones requested additional deputies to set up a perimeter. The man currently behind the wheel attempted to lie and say he was in fact the driver. When Sergeant Jones advised him multiple witnesses and video evidence would prove otherwise, the fake driver stated his “buddy” was driving but he would not be ratting him out. He was then charged with obstruction of justice for hindering a felony hit and run investigation.

Deputy S.M. Eastman and K-9 Ruby arrived on scene at 11:28 a.m. and immediately began tracking the suspect. With a decent head start and heavy rain it would be difficult for anyone to discover where the suspect was. That did not stop the Sheriff’s Office’s first bloodhound. Ruby was able to perform an incredible track and located the suspect behind a business on Bells Hill Road at approximately noon. As a result of the track, Ruby was given her favorite treat; whereas the suspect was detained in handcuffs.

The real driver, Michael Shelton, advised he “freaked out” and ran. It could have also been due to the fact he had no insurance and a revoked license. Shelton was charged with felony hit and run, driving while revoked, driving without insurance, reckless driving, and an improper display of his registration. He was held at Rappahannock Regional Jail without bond, while the fake driver was issued a releasable warrant. There were no serious injuries reported in the crash.

Great job to deputies for their quick and professional perimeter. Great work to K-9 Ruby for once again locating a fleeing suspect.

Attachment ruby tracking take two.mp4  (140,217k)

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