Nude Photos Lead to Extortion Attempts
By Major Shawn Kimmitz
April 1, 2022

Two unsuspecting residents received extortion threats yesterday after sharing their nude photo on social media platforms.

On March 31st at 7:04 a.m. Deputy J.A. Buzzard handled a phone complaint for extortion. The victim reported he met a female on Facebook and began exchanging messages. The conversation moved to the next level on Snapchat as he sent his nude picture to his new “friend.”

As you may have guessed, the friend turned these snapshots into an illicit money making scheme by demanding $600 or she would share the photos with his friends and family.

Similarly, at 8:24 last night, Deputy E.E. West handled another extortion call. This unrelated victim met a female on Instagram, which again transitioned to Snapchat. The victim proceeded to share photos in his birthday suit, which led to a demand of $500 or the photo would be shared publicly.

As a reminder, don’t be fooled into sending nude photos over social media platforms.